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Back Cover Praise

`...I hold your book responsible for destroying my social life for the last two days...I bought it Friday afternoon, and then finished it at lunchtime today! (Sunday) *grin*. Excellent reading!' -- bam@iinet.net.au

`A few pages into this book I found it to be different to any other book I have ever read on the subject. Dreyfus treats the people she writes about AS PEOPLE not just "computer junkies" or "cyber geeks"' -- lucasb@sub.net.au

`A real pleasure' -- George Smith, Crypt News

`A tale of madness, paranoia and brilliance among Australian computer hackers - and how they nearly brought NASA undone' -- The Weekend Australian Magazine

`Adventure book for the brain' -- Sarah McDonald, JJJ

`After reading the extract of Underground in The Age I couldn't wait to read it. Finally it came out in the shops and I finished it all within a few days. I wasn't disappointed for a second.' -- dcw@alphalink.com.au

`Amazing insight' -- jimgeuin@cyberservices.com

`Backed up by..detailed technical research' -- Trudie MacIntosh, The Australian

`Best hacker book I've read' -- Jim Lippard

`Brillant read - will rest safely next the rest of my Gibson, Sterling and Brunner...' -- Neil.Garbutt@affa.gov.au

`Brillant' -- gerardc@one.net.au

`Compelling reading for those of us who want more than just salacious and hyped snippets' -- Trudie MacIntosh, The Australian

`Compelling' -- David Nichols, The Big Issue

`Contains enough technical information to impress anyone who can appreciate it' -- jmidgley@cyberjunkie.com

`Couldn't put it down' -- Trudie MacIntosh, The Australian

`Depth of character and rapid pacing' -- Ed Burns, IBIC

`Displays a level of research and technical understanding not matched by other hacker books' -- Jim Lippard

`Dive into the Underground and be swept into a thrilling elite realm' -- evburns@gte.net

`Dreyfus does not attempt any sleights of hand with jargon' -- David Nichols, The Big Issue

`Dreyfus has clearly done her research well' -- Danny Yee, Danny Yee's review of books

`Dreyfus hat hier Abhilfe geschaffen' -- iX, Germany

`Dreyfus is one smart cookie' -- Ed Burns, IBIC

`El libro tiene como fuentes a varios grupos de hackers australianos y todas las sentencias de los casos de asaltos informáticos de esa época' -- Cripto, Spain

`Enjoyed the book!' -- Jake Barnes, The Face (UK)

`Entirely original' -- Rolling Stone

`Especialmente interesante' -- Cripto, Spain

`Excellent insight' -- dcw@alphalink.com.au

`Excellent reporting' -- Editor, IBIC

`Excellent.. Compared against Bruce Sterling's text (the most obvious comparison), it makes for much better reading.. Commendable' -- harshman@paradigm.uor.edu

`Extraordinary' -- Rolling Stone

`Fascinating piece of investigative journalism' -- Jim Reavis, Network World

`Fascinating' -- Ed Burns, IBIC

`Fiercely independent thinking found on every page' -- Lew Koch, ZDNET

`For those sick of bullish cyberpiffle, Underground contains any amount of counterintelligence.." -- Gideon Haigh, Australian Literary Suppliment

`Genuine perception' -- George Smith, Crypt News

`Genuinely fascinating' -- David Nichols, The Big Issue

`Great real life thriller' -- jmidgley@cyberjunkie.com

`Gripping Account'-- The Adelaide Advertiser

`Gripping, eminently readable' -- Rolling Stone

`Highly intense and enjoyable read' -- Rolling Stone

`Highly original investigative journalism' -- Gideo Haigh, Australian Literary Suppliment

`Highly recommended' -- Jim Lippard

`I have never before read a book this good, literally!' -- benwebb@hotmail.com

`I just finished the book.. and thoroughly enjoyed it. Dreyfus showed an amazing insight into the world of electronic exploration. I am sure it was in no small part due to [the researcher's] excellent technical assistance. Good Job!!' -- jimgeuin@cyberservices.com

`I loved the book - couldnt put it down!' -- texasdeluxe@hotmail.com

`I wanted to say how much I liked your book Underground' -- Prof. Dorothy Denning

`I was blown away' -- lucasb@sub.net.au

`I'm grateful to Ms Dreyfus for introducing me to a number of first-rate subversives' -- Phillip Adams, Late Night Live

`Joy knew no bounds' -- Phillip Adams, Late Night Live

`Just thought that I would say great job on your book very nice piece of work and very informative!' -- Anonymous hacker

`Keeps the reader glued to the page' -- Danny Yee, Danny Yee's review of books

`La descripción de las detenciones, registros yprocesos legales es especialmente interesante' -- Cripto, Spain

`Let me say how much I enjoyed Underground. I really thought it was fascinating and a great read.' -- philip_sim@idg.com (Editor, Network World)

`Loved it' -- kaos@ctrl.com.au

`Makes the esoteric world of the hacker accessible' -- Australian Bookseller and Publisher

`Matt Piening told me about it and showed me the article in The Age.. consequently.. we bought it, we read it, we loved it. :)' -- camson@swin.edu.au

`Meeslepende book' -- Digiface, The Netherlands

`Meticulously researched' -- Australian Bookseller and Publisher

`Meticuously researched psychological and social profile of hackers' -- Australian Bookseller and Publisher

`Most brilliant book I have ever read' -- phoenix@eisa.net.au

`Nice work' -- aleph1@underground.org

`Powerful' -- evburns@gte.net

`Reads like Ludlum.. I love the book.. The style of writing is the clincher..' -- jmj@speednet.com.au

`Reads like a thriller' -- The Age

`Riveting' -- Australian Bookseller and Publisher

`Riviting read'-- The Adelaide Advertiser

`Several cites to it in my own book on information warfare' -- Prof. Dorothy Denning

`Skall du läsa Underground' -- Mikael Pawlo, Internet World, Sweden

`THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!' -- lucasb@sub.net.au

`Thank you for such an AMAZING and informative book' -- jasonvas@hotmail.com

`The reader is readily drawn forward into the eddies of the underground by the thrust and parry of the hackers and their pursuers' -- Ed Burns, IBIC

`The true stories of Underground are simply compelling' -- David Nichols, The Big Issue

`There is much to admire in the doggedness with which Dreyfus follows her subjects' -- Gideo Haigh, Australian Literary Suppliment

`Thoroughly enjoyed' -- Suzanne Pratley, Frugal Films

`Thoroughly researched' -- Jim Reavis, Network World

`Those inclined to seek the unvarnished truth will find Underground an excellent read' -- George Smith, Crypt News

`Totally recommended' -- Matthew Green, NetBSD Security Officer, author IRC II

`Very good, very accurate.. makes for an interesting contrast with books like Cuckoo's Egg, and Takedown' -- btherl@nullnet.net (Codex Surveillance List)

`WOW! What an incredible read! Your book captures exactly what it was like for me...' -- Anonymous Canadian hacker

`Well done and thanks' -- Skinny@usaf.org

`What is most impressive, however, is the personal detail she has managed to garner about her subjects: more than anything else, it is this is which gives Underground its appeal' -- Danny Yee, Danny Yee's review of books

`Will Surprise' -- Darren Reed, author, ipfirewall

`Wonderful Book' -- SteveV@pigpond.net.au

`[I was] suprised at the effect it had on me' -- jmidgley@cyberjunkie.com

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