Sub-Pixel Font Positioning on UNIX mini-HOWTO
__(Last mod: Jun 9 2004 jm) (text version)__
Auto: [text version]: subpixel.txt
This mini-HOWTO document describes how to get sub-pixel font positioning
working on your UNIX system, using Linux as an example platform. Sub-pixel
font positioning is also known as "sub-pixel rendering", "sub-pixel
decimation", or by Microsoft's term for its implementation of the technique,
"Microsoft(r) ClearType(tm)". (ObTM: "ClearType" is a trademark of Microsoft
Steve Gibson has provided a good description and demo of how sub-pixel
rendering works, and the history way back to the Apple II days, [[at his site
[1]]. Also, John Platt
at provides some papers and a brief overview of
I won't go into the details here, since they're better covered in depth there.
Suffice to say that, if you're using a laptop or other LCD screen, then
sub-pixel rendering will greatly improve your screen's readability,
**especially** at small font sizes.
A lot of people have strong (and mostly justified) feelings about
anti-aliasing; it blurs the text, making it harder to read at small-to-medium
point sizes. However, on a laptop screen, sub-pixel rendering is a different
kettle of fish. Take a look at the Mozilla window to right, and see what you
think. (Hint: it'll probably look horrible on a CRT screen, but great on an
LCD or TFT.)
Thanks to work by Keith Packard, XFree86 4 now includes [[Xft and Render
[2]], two extensions to the X display protocol which allow use of sub-pixel
rendering. IMO, he's done a fantastic job at getting these implemented
and into XFree86 4, and thereby into the major Linux distros. Thanks
Software Required
First of all, you'll need to use an X server with support for Xft, the X
FreeType interface library. As far as I can tell, any version of XFree86
4 since XFree86 4.0.2 will have this included. This means that at least
these Linux distributions have it available:
- Red Hat Linux 7.1 and later __(warning: 7.x also includes XFree86
3.3.6, which you do not want)__
- Mandrake 8.1 __(warning: also includes XFree86 3.3.6)__
- SuSE Linux 7.x
- (TODO: please send me more specific distros)
If you're brave, you could try out the binary installer from .
This will require quite a lot of knowledge about X, so it's not recommended.
You're better off using your distribution's packaged version.
Auto: []:
Once you get XFree86 4 installed and running as before, check to make sure
that XFree86 supports the Render extension for your graphics card:
:: xdpyinfo | grep -c -i render
If you get a '1', you can go on. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until XFree86
supports Render on your graphics card -- sorry :( Newer versions of XFree86
contain Render drivers for more video cards, so if you're not using the
latest, try upgrading that.
Red Hat 6.x or 7.x users need to have the Freetype library installed. This is
installed by default, but if you've done a custom install, you'll need to
install the RPM from your CD-ROMs or the FTP site. Check to see if it's there
using this command:
:: rpm -qa | grep freetype
You should see at least ##freetype## and ##freetype-utils## listed in
the output.
The Fonts
You **really** want the Microsoft TrueType fonts. They are high-quality
screen-display fonts, and work nicely. Most other free fonts are, to be
honest, just not as good-looking.
**Update**: not any more! Bigelow and Holmes have donated a range of fonts
called Luxi (included in XFree86 4.2.0), and Bitstream are now donating another
called Vera. Great news! If you're going to be happy with these very
nice fonts, skip this step entirely.
Auto: [Microsoft TrueType fonts]:
Debian users should just:
:: apt-get install anti-aliasing-howto
Other folks: the easiest way to install 'em is by downloading Keith
Packard's tarfile, like so:
:: cd ~
:: wget
(and wait... it's about 3 megs ;)
:: cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
:: tar xvfz ~/truetype.tar.gz
and hey presto, you've got a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype directory.
Getting Anti-Aliasing Working
**Debian users**: the ##anti-aliasing-howto## deb you just installed
covers this. Take a look.
**Red Hat 8 or 9 users**: this now seems to be covered. All that's left
is turning on sub-pixel positioning, and (on RH8) switching to a version
of Mozilla that'll use it. Both GNOME and KDE will use it out of the box.
**Mandrake or Red Hat 7.x users**: MandrakeUser has a **great** guide to this,
so rather than reprinting chunks, I'll link to it. Read the 'Font
Anti-Aliasing' section.
Auto: [guide to this]:
**SuSE users**: the SuSE support database provides a very helpful page.
Auto: [a very helpful page]:
**OpenBSD users**: covered in the OpenBSD FAQ.
Auto: [OpenBSD FAQ]:
GNOME 2 and all recent versions of KDE do it out-of-the-box. If your GNOME 2
install isn't doing it, and you're using garnome, there's a good
troubleshooting page on the Wiki.
If you want to get GTK+ and GNOME 1 to use anti-aliasing, you need to install
a package called 'gdkxft'. Nowadays I haven't felt the need to do this,
since Red Hat 8/9 now boast AA text pretty much everywhere by default.
Auto: [gdkxft]:
If you installed the fonts from Keith Packard's site in the last step,
you'll need to add a line like this to your /etc/X11/XftConfig or
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XftConfig file, right at the top:
:: dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype"
Setting up your XftConfig File
This is the key bit.
Note that recent versions of XFree86 use a totally different file, with the new
and improved **fontconfig** system. If you have a file called
##/etc/fonts/fonts.conf##, skip to the next section. Otherwise, carry on this
First, check Steve Gibson's site again, and take a look at the diagrams
about halfway down the page demonstrating whole-pixel graphics, whole-pixel
antialiasing, R-G-B LCD Sub-Pixel Rendering, and B-G-R LCD Sub-Pixel
Auto: [Steve Gibson's site]:
Now, edit your /etc/X11/XftConfig file, and add a line at the end.
Most LCD screens will look better with R-G-B LCD Sub-Pixel
Rendering. If yours does, add these lines:
:: match edit antialias = true;
:: match edit rgba = rgb;
Otherwise, for the B-G-R case, add:
:: match edit antialias = true;
:: match edit rgba = bgr;
Save and quit the editor. Now start up gfontsel and select the verdana font,
in font size medium and charset iso-8859-1, and you should see lovely,
super-smooth sub-pixel-rendered text in the Preview window.
Setting up your fonts.conf File
If your system is using **fontconfig**, you're in luck -- this is much cleaner
and easier. Kudos to KeithP, yet again, for a nice job on this stuff.
First, figure out (using the link above) if you want to use R-G-B or B-G-R
subpixel rendering.
Next, create a file in your home directory, called ##~/.fonts.conf##, and
cut and paste this XML text in:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit> </match> </fontconfig>Change **rgb** to **bgr** if you need to use B-G-R subpixel rendering. For system-wide use, add that text to ##/etc/fonts/local.conf## (thanks Paul Kelly for the tip). The change takes effect immediately, but you may want to log out so that everything on the desktop is updated. Getting Apps To Use It ====================== Most GTK+, GNOME and KDE applications should have picked it up. Just pick a TrueType or URW font you like (such as Luxi or Verdana, perhaps), and tell them to use that. Hey presto ;) Mozilla, however, is the big problem at the moment. It currently takes a shortcut around GTK+ to draw text, due to inefficiencies in GTK+ or X. As a result, it doesn't gain anti-aliased text when you install 'gdkxft' or GNOME 2. (Bugs: bug 100570, bug 109423) Auto: [bug 100570]: Auto: [bug 109423]: Thankfully, there's a patch and prebuilt binaries which fix this, up at . Update: Jan 25 2002 jm: Slashdot reports **Xft Support For Mozilla**: keithp and Chris Blizzard have hacked a patch which ''uses a new version of the Xft library available at . That will be integrated into the XFree86 CVS tree after 4.2 stablizes; the existing Xft library will remain in place for backwards compatibility.'' With CB's support, this should make it into the Moz mainline. Good news. Update: Apr 22 2003 jm: RH9 now includes an anti-aliased build of Mozilla by default. It's very, very nice. Further Tweaking ================ David Chester has written a very nice set of modifications to Xft which improve the font display quality greatly, as far as I can see, by applying some new hinting algorithms. Also Anders Kaseorg has come up with a patch which improves subpixel filtering in Xft 'especially for autohinted fonts'. If you're not averse to some compilation, take a look. Troubleshooting =============== If your TrueType fonts are not appearing, it may be because your UNIX does not automatically rebuild the font cache files. Here's how to do this: